Welcome to Tring u3a

Welcome to Tring u3a
learn, laugh, live

Are you looking for new experiences, to make new friends or learn a new skill? If you live in Tring or the surrounding area then we can help.

The University of the Third Age is a network of over 1,000 affiliated groups nationwide. Each group is a self-managed, learning co-operative for those no longer in full-time employment.

Tring u3a is a friendly, inclusive organisation with over 500 members. Join us and enjoy the benefits:

• Over thirty Interest Groups to choose from
• Coffee mornings where you can meet friends and chat
• Talks by experienced speakers at the Victoria Hall, Tring
• Local and National newsletters to keep you informed.

We look forward to meeting you.

Do you have Leadership Skills?
If you have leadership skills and/or committee experience, you could be our next Chairperson. Duties include chairing the monthly Committee Meeting and ensuring effective and efficient administration of Tring u3a. A full role description is available from the Secretary.

We also have vacancies for Ordinary Committee members. These are committee members who do not have a specific role but without which Tring u3a cannot operate.

Please consider putting your name forward to ensure that Tring u3a continues to flourish.

Nomination forms or more information can be obtained from the Secretary using the email below or by filling in the form on the Contact Us page.
The 18th Annual General Meeting of Tring u3a
Thursday 13th March, 2025, 10.00am
Victoria Hall, Akeman Street, Tring, HP23 6AA

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